Grieving Today

A friend from church shared the link to the blog of a friend of his family’s. She is also carrying a baby who is anencephalic.  I was recently notified that she is in the hospital and will most likely deliver her baby boy today.  I have joyed in reading her blog because she, too has chosen to find great joy in her pregnancy.

BUT now her day of mourning is coming, much like ours will most likely come one day. Please, please, please lift her up to the Savior. I know His grace is sufficient and He will be there with her and her family.

I grieve with her today for her loss and I Praise God with her that she was given this opportunity.

Check out her blog if you have time. If you don’t make a little time just to know how best to pray for her and her family.

In His Grip,


Published in: on September 11, 2010 at 3:07 pm  Comments (1)